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 ...System types

ProMaster Master-Keying 8 has 30 design modules to choose from that support a huge range of lock products. Each lock product will be preconfigured with default when making a new system. E.g. how many cuts the keys have, does the product use coloured heads, what the maximum difference between two adjacent cuts can be etc.

This leaves you with simple and clear choices when creating a new system.

ProMaster Master-Keying 8 System Type window. This shows numerous setting to define a locking product. On the left side, there is a field for the “System type name” and beneath that are the details of which “Design module”, “Lock system” and “Card” it will use. Next are 2 tabs “Settings” and “Advanced”. The Setting tab is selected and on that are options for generating new system numbers, configuring cylinder for locks, the default manufacturing time frame and factory, and options to restrict the system type to certain key sections. On the right side, there is a dropdown list to set the number of cuts for the system type along with 16 other setting to define the default rules for when a system is codded. Beneath those are 2 tables for changing the names of bottom pins and master wafers on the pinning charts. In the bottom right corner are “OK” and “Cancel” buttons.

 ...Data entry

Quick, easy, and accurate to use. Data may be entered with various imports and duplication tools or manually. Even when manually entering data, ProMaster Master-Keying 8 expedites the process with predictive number sequence generation for appropriate fields (e.g. door and key numbers, stamping and descriptions).

ProMaster Master-Keying 8 Door (Add) window displayed in front of the Doors window, which is in front of the main application. At the top of the Door (Add) window, the system number and system description are displayed. Beneath that is the first section “Door details”. This contains entry fields for the “Door” number, “Stamping”, “Description”, “Area”, whether it is “Non keyed”, “Stage”, if the keying is different on the second side, “Notes” about the door, door “Height”, door “Width”, and door “Thickness”. There is also 2 ways to record the lock that is used on the door, firstly by selecting a lock or cylinder preciously used in the system from a dropdown list or by clicking the “Select lock” button and choosing the lock from all recorded locks and cylinders. Below this is a section called “Door security” which contains a disabled field “Signatory quantity required”. This field can be enabled by changing the signatory requirements of the system. Next is a section to record any “Pinning notes”. Beneath that is a section to “Add this door to a job” which allows the door to be ordered for manufacturing as it is created. These options are currently disable because a lock has not yet been set for the door. The bottom section has 2 “Options”. “Add a key to this door” will cause a window to open to select the keys that will operate the door as soon as the door is saved. “Add hardware to this door” will cause a window to open to record other hardware that will be on the door, such as door closers, handles etc. At the bottom of the window are buttons “Save / Add another”, “OK” and “Cancel”. “Save / Add another” will save the door just like “OK”, but instead of returning to the Doors window, a new Door (Add) window will automatically be opened.


Coding, tree, matrix, grid

Whether you are familiar with ‘Code pages’, ‘Matrix’, ‘Grid’ or ‘Tree’, ProMaster Master-Keying 8 will display system codes in a familiar and usable format.

Code progressions let you present Matrix and Tree data multiple ways in the same system, even allowing a system to be viewed as both Tree-codes and Matrix-codes. See the complete progression or just a code page at a time. Kaba positional systems (e.g. experT pluS) use a sophisticated coding grid with a simple to use progression tool and give complete control over rotor-stators and over the assignment of blind cuts.

ProMaster Master-Keying 8 section of the “Coding tree” window displaying the codes that have been generated by the design in an expandable tree format. The 1st GMK code has been expanded to show the MK codes below it and the 4th MK code has been expanded to show the change keys below it. All codes that are considered ‘bad’ by the system’s design parameters, are denoted with ½ its colour bar below the code’s designation symbol. At the top of the view is a summary of the design configuration showing the designation of each position, and beside that in parentheses is the depth steps that each position uses.
ProMaster Master-Keying 8 section of the “Coding matrix” window displaying the codes that have been generated by the design in grid like format. All ‘cross masters’ (‘row masters’, ‘column masters’ and some ‘block masters’) have been hidden. All codes that are considered ‘bad’ by the system’s design parameters, are denoted by having the code displayed in red. Master codes have a grey ‘arrow’ extending from the bottom and left sides, effectively pointing at the codes to which it is a master of. At the top of the view is a summary of the design configuration showing the sequence of progression for each position, and beside that in parentheses is the depth steps that each position uses. The currently selected code is given a red background and the “Cuts” for that code are displayed at the bottom of the view.

 ...Automatic coding

The design assistant calculates the design required for your system. Having designed a system, you are not locked in – you can alter the system design to allow for expansion or changes at any time. Powerful automatic coding capabilities do not compromise the ability for you to precisely control the system. In addition to automatic coding, you still have full control over codes and key sections.

ProMaster Master-Keying 8 Design Assistant window. The top of the window displays the system number, system description, system type and keying type. Below that is the “Enter the quantity of keys required for each designation” section, which contains 2 grids similar in design. The left grid is pertinent to keys with designations of “Master” or “Change”. The left grid is pertinent to keys with designations of “Selective”. The columns of each grid are “Designation” which denotes the rank / tier within the system, “Symbol” which denotes the character which is used in the system’s progression to denote the “Designation”, “Calculated” which denote the quantity of existing keys that sit at the rank / tier within the system, “Qty required” which have editable fields allowing the user alter the target quantities when calculating a solution, “Depth step” which allow the user to choose a different value from a dropdown list for each rank / tier within the system, and “available” which displays the minimum quantity of codes available from a calculated solution. Then there is a section below to “Use rotated constant if needed”. The last section is the “Solution”. This displays the progression solution that has been calculated to meet the “Qty required” value for each rank / tier, showing the “Designation” for each position, whether a position is “Rotated”, the “SOP” or sequence of progression of each position, and the depth step of each position. To the right of the progression are buttons “Calculate” and “Stop” (which is currently disabled). “Calculate” will attempt to search for a new solution to meet the “Qty required” values and “Stop” will stop that search immediately. At the bottom left are buttons “Show tree” and Show matrix” to open preview of what the calculated solution in the respective coding window. In the bottom right are the buttons “OK” and “Cancel”.


Job manufacturing

ProMaster Master-Keying 8 generates job reports for parts required, key cutting, test key cutting, pinning (cylinder assembly) and client job summaries. On-screen pinning or publish to mobile app for cylinder assembly allow you to eliminate paperwork.

Manufacturing reports, on-screen pinning and exports are comprehensive, including all information required for manufacturing (such as bottom pins, master pins, top/driver pins, construction keying, part codes, cylinder keying, stamping, key cuts, coloured key heads and a whole lot more).

ProMaster Master-Keying 8 Manufacture Job window. The Top band of the window displays on the left, the “System” number, “System type”. In the centre, the job’s “Invoice” number, “Sales order” number, “Quotation” number, “Customer code”, “Customer order” number and “Required” date. On the right, the number of “Keys”, number of “Key issues”, number of “Doors”, the fact that the  “Job uses snapshot of keying and pinning” and that the “Job uses test keys”. The main body of the window has 3 columns of options listed that are selectable with check boxes. On the left side, options are listed for printing manufacturing reports. In the centre, options are listed for sending manufacturing information to electronic machines and another to “View on-screen pinning”. On the right, options are listed for printing reports the client. For some options, when they are selected, a “Settings” link becomes available and the currently chosen “Settings” are displayed directly below that option. Beside each option for a report is a print preview button with a dropdown option for printing, this will preview (or print) that individual report. Beside each option for sending data to an electronic machine is a “Send” button. Beside the “View on-screen pinning” option is “View” button to open the onscreen pinning. At the bottom of the window are buttons “Options”, Print all selected”, Manufacture all selected”, “Publish to device”, “Mark job as completed” and “Close”.
ProMaster Master-Keying 8 section of a pinning report. This shows the type of pinning report it is, including the system type it is for and the job “Required” date. Below that the first door is listed by a “Seq” number, then the “Door” number, door “Description”, door “Area”, door “Cylinder”, “Issues”, “Qty”, the “Door” number again with a dark background. Under the “Issues”, “Qty” and second “Door” number, the pining is shown, list both “Bottom” and “Master” pins. To the left oof the pinning is the lock “Type”, lock “Part code” and the required “Keyway”. Lo the left of the lock information, the “Keys” that operate the door are listed by key number only. Below that that is the next door in sequence with the same format. The pattern repeats below what is visible in the image.


Multi key section/ keyway (Multiplex)

Complete control over key section families for you to enter your key sections, keyways, and their relationships.

ProMaster Master-Keying 8 Key Sections And Keyways window. This window shows a table with “Keyways” being listed for each row and “Key sections” listed for each column. Where a key section’s column intersects with a keyway’s row that it operates, there is a checkbox that is ticked. If the key section does not operate the intersected keyway, the checkbox is empty. In the bottom right corner is a “Close” button.

Coding with flexibility

ProMaster Master-Keying 8 does not lock you into a design. All data is stored as the actual key cuts and calculations are performed according to the keys that operate each cylinder so even if you change the design you do not lose your data.

Multiple code progressions (key bit arrays) per system with progression sequence manipulation, progression notes, descriptions, rotated constants, and complete key bit array manipulation.

ProMaster Master-Keying 8 System Design – Modify window. This shows the numerous settings that constitute the system design. The top of the window displays the system number, system description, system type and keying type. Below this, the “Key section” is shown with buttons below it to see the “Key section” “Details” and to “Promote key section”. Beside that the “TMK” is shown along with a button to “Edit TMK”. On the left side of the window, there are dropdown lists to define the rules for when a system is codded. On the right side is a list of “Code progressions” with “Edit progression” and “Remove progression” buttons (both currently disabled). Beneath the “Code progressions” is where a “Custom progression” is currently being edited on a tab. The tab contains a grid with each column corresponding to a cut position, and list the “TMK” cut, “Designation”, and “SOP” (Sequence Of Progression) for each position. Then all the available cut “Depths” are list below the “SOP”. Beside the “Custom progression” tab is a “Notes” tab. To the right of the tabs are buttons “Test”, “Save progression” and “Cancel edit”. In the bottom right corner are “OK” and “Cancel” buttons (currently disabled).