
 ...Mobile Apps

See your Schedule. Review your assigned tasks.


See your Job information and Job notes. Quick access to client contact information. Log your start and finish times. Record Stock Waste and Transfers. Edit your Job Lines Items. Save and review images to DocStore. Collect client satisfaction signatures.


Create Quotes and Invoices on the fly. Either save as a draft, or release and email to the client. Utilize your Templates. Record Payments taken against Invoices.

Database queries

Query your Inventory and Client database.

GPS tracking

Staff location GPS tracking. The E-TS database can be configured with a number of Tracking schemes and Staff Locations can be viewed by your E-TS dispatcher.

**To use this app, you must have been granted access to a private E-TS Server. If you or your company are interested in purchasing E-TS software, please contact us at

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 ...Phone screenshots
E-TS Mobile App main screen showing a title bar displaying the text “E-TS Mobile” to the left and Kebab menu on the right. The centre to the top half displays the E-TS logo above the text “E-TS Mobile”. The lower shows 4 buttons in a grid pattern for opening the “Job Schedule”, creating “New” quotes, jobs, and invoices, performing “Inventory Related” tasks and making a “Client Query”. The bottom displays the current set “Default Outlet” (with an “I” button to change this” and the “Tracking Status”. E-TS Mobile App Current Tasks screen showing a title bar displaying the text “Current Tasks” to the left and refresh button on the right. In the top ⅔ is a scrollable list of job tasks schedule for a particulate date. At the top of the “Current Tasks” list is a calendar button to change the date, options to show job tasks in the “Entering” and “Complete” status, buttons to change the day shown to 1 day earlier or later, and the chosen date is shown. Each listed job task displays the client’s name, the time it is scheduled for, and whither the task is “New”, “In progress”, “Paused” or “Complete”. The bottom ⅓ displays a scrollable list of more information about the currently selected job task in the list. The information currently visible on the shown screen size includes “Job number”, “Task number”, “Job address”, “Contact name” and “Start time”. At the bottom of the screen is a button to “Open” the currently selected job task. E-TS Mobile App Job details screen showing a title bar displaying the text “Job” to the left and on the right, an add image button, a timer button, and a Kebab menu. Below this is a coloured status bar (currently blue for a “New” task) that also shows the “Current time on task”. Next is a map showing the job address location in respect to the device’s current location with a navigation button to use the device’s navigation app to navigate to the job address. Below the map is a button the “Start” recoding the user’s time working on the job task. Below the “Start” button is more detailed information about the job and job task in a scrollable list; “Job number”, “Task number”, a button to record an “Action Req”, “Company name” (and an “I” button to see more information client), “Contact name”, “Phone” number, “Mobile” phone number, “Task desc” and “Task note” are currently visible. E-TS Mobile App Job Times screen showing a title bar displaying the text “Job Times”. This screen is listing the “Times for Task”, showing when each time logging was started and how long it tracked. In the top right corner (just below the title bar) is a button to “Add” another time log. At the bottom right of the list is a “Total” number on minutes spent on the task. At the bottom of the screen is a button to “Modify times”. E-TS Mobile App Find Inventory screen showing a title bar displaying the text “Find Inventory” to the left and barcode button on the right. Just below the title bar is a search text entry field with a “Search” button to its right. Just below the search field is a dropdown list to change the search method between “Beginning”, “Containing” (currently selected), “Containing Exact” and “Exact”, and a cog button to set other search options. Below this is a list of the results returned by the search. Below the list are options to see “Inventory Pictures” (currently expanded) or “Inventory Holdings”.